
Am I Evil?

*distorted electric guitars*
Duh, duh duhn ... da, da, da, da, dah ... duhn, dunh!

I am 45% evil?

I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil.

Are you evil find out at Hilowitz.com

Silly on-line tests!!! I demand a re-count!

Some of the questions were only true because of stuff from my past, so I'm probaby less evil now, maybe 35% evil or so. Either way, I'm more good that evil . . . so the battle is not lost.

Must . . . keep . . . fighting . . . against . . . evil!

Are CD's forever?

My mother-in-law just forwarded an article to me titled "Are CD's forever?".

Article: Are CD's Forever? Maybe Not

Defective CD's

The article basically states that experts are finding that CD's are not lasting as long as expected when they came on the market. They were supposed to last a lifetime, but now we are finding that some CD's will not last a this long. A CD could last 5 minutes if you drop it and it breaks or if it is sratched very badly. A CD could last 40+ years if you keep it in it's case and always handle the disc by the edges . . . here is my response to the article:

". . . If you keep your CD's in their cases when not in use and keep them clean, that they will last a long time. CD's last longer and work better than any other medium for music and sound.

Records, when they are new, sound fantastic, but nobody can ignore the fact that they deteriorate and the sound quality gets worse each time you play them. If dust gets on a record, when played it will crackle and pop. Records warp and become unplayable if they get too hot. Old records (pre 1960) become brittle and can break easily(i.e. shatter into many tiny pieces!).

Cassette tapes sound horrible. They sound worse and worse the more times they are played and the older they get. They can be totally destroyed if a cassette player randomly decides to eat them. Cassettes seem to last about 5-15 years, depending how often they are played and how well they are taken care of. After that they are almost worthless (in my opinion), because the sound quality is so poor. Cassettes (also VHS tapes and data tapes) are very sensitive to humidity. If they are not stored properly, they can become moldy and deteriorate in as little as 1 year (I have seen this happen!).

CD's (and DVD's), if well taken care of (stored in a case when not in use, not scratched or handled on the surface, and kept clean), should last AT LEAST 15 - 25 years (in my experience). They will always sound just as good as they did the first time you listened to them.

Consumer recordable CD's (and DVD's) have only been around for maybe 10 years now, so only time will tell how long these will last, but studies have shown that by burning CD's at slower speeds of 2x - 4x, the music/data on the disc is likely to last much longer than burning at higher speeds.
How Permanent is CD-R Media?

When CD's came out, they were supposed to last "forever". Humans are always looking for something that will last forever but, as we know, nothing lasts forever. When you compare CD's to cassette tapes and vinyl records, it is obvious that CD's are the longest lasting medium we have now. CD's last longer and sound infinitely better after a long period of time than do cassettes and vinyl. Until the next big thing comes along, CD's and DVD's are currently the best choice for storing music, video, pictures and data."



mood: content
music: DJ Colette - Our Day

I just got back from a department lunch at the local Sizzler. Mmmmm ... red meat! I didn't used to like meat and didn't eat steak for years, but now I like it for some reason. Maybe my body is lacking something.

The people in my department decided to walk back to work instead of take the train. It was only 5 blocks - not too far, but I am hot now. I want to have a cigarette and then take a nap, but alas, I am here at my desk ... not working.


Ahhhh . . . work

I can't get an SQL statement to work in my Access VB code . . . so close! I had to take a break and think about something else for a few minutes.

This week is going by fast. It's funny how time fly's when you have lot's to do. "Idle time is the devil's workshop" (or something like that). What is the opposite of idle time? Hmmm . . . I'm eating Ho Ho's and drinking straight black coffee this morning. Sometimes I like to dunk my "ho's" in my coffee. Kind of like "Dunkin' Donuts", but instead I'm dunking Ho's . . . he he he. My wife thinks Ho Ho's are gross, but I like 'em! She especially despises the cheap Little Debbie ones. They're great because you get like 8 for $1.25! Mmmmm, snacky cakes . . . Oh, if she could see me now!

*dunk dunk* *munchie munchie*


May 12th, 2004 = 1 year Anniversary

Today, I have been married for a WHOLE year! Strangeness . . . I never thought I would be married, but you meet the right. . . er, most amazing & beautiful person in the whole world (and they're cute!) . . . what are ya supposed to do?

Married life is great. This last year has been so crazy and busy with school, work, being married (oh, and cats!), but it has most definately been the best year of my life. I feel very lucky and blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and soulmate!

That's probably enough sappy stuff for now . . .

Post #1

So, what is this Blog business all about? Here goes nothing!